Oct 12, 2008


I have a crush on Blake Lively.Techtatva was fun and right now I am listening to 'Elevation'.I was organising two events and was given some deadlines before which I was supposed to finish off my job.But I am a Born-Asshole and love to create tension,Hyper-tension in fact,before people actually clap and breathe relief.I love deadlines and love the whooshing sound they make when they fly by your side.I cheated in one o' the events and helped another team grab 6 Grands in another.After someone said very correctly that 'He was a wise man who invented beer' I went to DT and had 6 pints on Saturday.I often get this weird feeling somewhere in my innards that all the people around me are boring and living a monotonous life doing things they ought to do and accepting things in the same order it comes in their life.And when this absurd thought crosses my mind,I drink.I drink to make other people interesting.To fake that I am happy and merry-making like Dionysus and also to sleep like a pig.And I also read somewhere that 'Ate'(ατή in greek) was the goddess of foolishness but have never heard of some foolishness-god as such,and so sometimes I feel that you know maybe I am the male version (ahem ahem *blushes*)people will add up my name in amazing and weird deities once I am dead.

I know people around me and even far-off but who know me, think I am some awesome asshole who has had an experience of all the funny and weird things that happen in everyday and not-so-everyday life but they don't realize that everything is funny only as long as it is happening to somebody else.If they forget to lock down the loo's door and are caught shitting like a dog they wont think its funny,but it will be me then who will laugh his ass off.Bud sadly things don't always turn up they way one wants them to be.Even though i have turned on my Spam filter on Yahoo,I got a mail from Jenny Crawford,who is neither the sister of Cindy Crawford nor the wife of Chase Crawford(He's single and having all the fun in Gossip Girl XOXO,making out with Blake Lively and Leighton) that 4 chicks are available near manipal who will come and f**k me if I just register on her website,and that too surprisingly free of cost.And she said that all the 4 chicks will be shipped(confused?) to me within a week.And she told me that I will get to have fun on every Saturday for 5 weeks with some new chick every time, if i gave her the E-mail address of 10 people who I think will love to register on her website and get F****d by 4 new chicks.And there was another pleasant surprise that if more than 4 of the people I have given reference of,give E-mail address of 10 other people then I will get 4 more chicks from Bangalore(And ahem,they had partitioned Bangalore as Bang-Galore :P).I gave it 5 thoughts before finally deleting that mail and adding Crawford in my Spam list.

Anyway I am bored of my life and want to have some fun.Not the fun you will normally think, as in some Beer fest or Jackass movie, i.e. one chick on the left-one on the right-making you sip Chilled-Gin-sweet-Pin tonic, but some awesome fun to make this shit-like-life a little tastier.Life is gruelling and screws almost everyone before he/she dies.So last night I was thinking all the philosophical things one can think of at my level and I came up with a weird but happy-all thought.I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death. What's that, a bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch and you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities. You become a little baby, you go back into the womb, spend your last nine months floating... and you finish off as an orgasm.

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