Apr 21, 2009

Awesomer/Chacha/Bored/Osho/Kingfisher Guy.

All the ways you wish you could be, that's me. I look like you wanna look,I fuck like you wanna fuck,I am smart, capable,and most importantly,I am free in all the ways that you are not.
-Tyler Durden,Fight Club.

Today is an awesome day.Infact,after 4 pints of Budweiser anyday becomes an awesome day.This light,floating and orgasmic feeling should never go from life.I feel as if some really amazing thing is impending.Maybe some chick will call me tonight and say "Oh,you are such an awesome guy,Wanna check out my flat?" or Maybe I'll get a call from someone saying that "You remember Mr.X?You met him last summer in the Kingfisher you were flying.He thought you were awesomer(WTF Word) than Chuck Norris and so Mr.X has left a hug will named after you".But,this ain't me writing all this.It is the Budweiser-soul inside me.And so the reader's discretion is highly advised.

Anyway my day started on a sad note.I bunked my DSP lecture and now I have a fucking-amazing 12 bunks in it.But Chacha(Read:BK Singh-Our lecturer) is a real cool guy with a geezer accent and even sarcastic and mind-fucking tone.But in the end all that matters is that he is a cool guy.And so I can even bunk 12 more classes and he won't fucking mind a bit.But I have learned from thousand of TV Ads and newspaper articles that "Use Protection".So I ain't gonna bunk anymore classes.

I am bored of this place and want some chaste boombazzle to happen here in Manipal.For a hundred years or more this place,our place,has been dying.And not one guy,in these last hundred years or so,has been crazy enough to put a bomb up the asshole of creation and set it off.This place is rotting away,dying piecemeal.But it needs the coup de grace,it needs to be blown to smithereens.Not one of us is intact, and yet we have in us all the continents and the seas between the continents and the birds of the air.We are going to put it down-the evolution of this place which has died but which has not been buried.I think I sound like OSHO when I try to speak some spiritual shit.Oh,OSHO.I so love him.He is one awesome guy too.This is what he said when asked about his celibacy ideas-"Whenever I meet prostitutes,they never speak of sex.They inquire about the soul,and about God.I also meet many ascetics and monks, and whenever we are alone they ask about nothing but sex.I was surprised to learn that ascetics, who are always preaching against sex, seem to be captivated by it.They are curious about it and disturbed by it;they have this mental complex about it, yet they sermonize about religion and about the animal instincts in man.And sex is so natural."Wrong people asking wrong things.Told you guys,he's awesome.He talks about everything.From the 'S' word to the 'L' word.

I think I have blabbered a lot for today.I have to finish watching another season of 24 tonight.So Ciao.By the way I am getting a call from some unknown number right now and I have this real feeling that it's that Kingfisher guy's lawyer. ;)

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