Dec 23, 2008

The Nice-Legged Mommy

I am disgusting and I should be punished.Last week I had a severe altercation with one of my friends.The topic was shitty as usual.We fought over if 'Damn It' is god's last name 'cuz its common to hear people say 'God damn It'.So I just thought that may be jesus was named with Damnation.Excuse me for my impunity but I cant help being shameless.I was speaking for the motion and he was motioning against.Anyway I just brought out this topic 'cuz I got a bum-screw in the end and everyone else laughed off at me.The way they always do.So I went online to catch up some more KickAss points.I googled 'Damnation','Damn+God','Damn+It+God+debate','KickAss+god' and several other similar-jested words.But all shit-in-vain.It seems my getting screwed up every time is some kind of predilection.Guys love doing it and chicks feel seeing me doleful is the best thing next to orgasm.Is it?Half an hour later with No KA(read:KickAss) points with me,I chucked thinking about debating with that filthy despicable friend.5 minutes of Downloading later,I was going to log out when My Nice-legged Mommy MSN'ed me “Hey Son.Watchup? XD”.Now this KA nice-legged Mommie aint the real mommie.But she is the nicey,facetious,Seducing mommie and she does have nice-legs.Those long ones with curvy ankles and blowey knees.The kind Guys love to fall for.(By the way 'facetious' has all the vowels in order of their alphabetical appearance.There are only 2 other words in english language.Awesome).She will seduce you to death and the moment you start hitting on her she will retort MSN'ically “Haaaw.You pervert son ;)” And that's it.The wink in the end is another of her seducing tactics.The last blow.Like the people of laconia used to blow up their enemies with.Tempting but plausible and speciously pernicious.You write one more thing and you are crossed off.The best reply:wait for 17 seconds and then wink back.

Now this Mommie hates relationships.And she does not want to go out with me.Nothing new though,I know.No one wants to go out with me.Not that I am a bad guy.I am not.For sure.People say I am a bugger.A sweet one.Some think a sexy one too.Anyway chuck and back to Mommie.The nice-legged-one.She loves saying 'Toodles' whenever she is bored of chatting with me.She loves 'XD' too.And she loves Manchester United as much as I do.No I guess a li'l lesser.Or may be not.I don't know.Nevin's psychological laws state that you feel closer to a girl with similar likes and taste as you than a guy.Now there is no sexual psychology,whatever that means,but only psychological predilection.But having a chick who loves Manchester United, in your friends list(Not the orkut one,But real friend list.You understand what I say.Don't you?) is something which exhilarates you as much as ManU winning Premier League does.And If that chick is the Nice-legged mommie it's like the Garlic-mayo-slurp sauce over a plain burger.Don't infer that I am some sexual predator just 'cuz I am using 'Nice legged' in an unbridled manner.Blame my hormones and my condition(Read:Without a girlfriend for so many straight months.)And anyway guys can't help being guys.Dicks have brains too and they are conflicting with our brains.Anyway I was online today and she banged on again.And she asked why don't I blog.Now there are a few reasons for that too but I'll come to it later.So when she asked I was surprised.Surprised for two reasons.One:OMG,there is some one who reads my blog.Two:Why am I not fucking blogging?.So I said “I gTg.TC.Muaaah” and sat down to write this small dedciation to my Nice-legged mommie.

Coming back to the surprise points.Why did I stop blogging.To begin with I blog only when I get an impetus to blog.And that happens when 1)My mom screws me up and I feel morose,and/or,2)I have atleast 25 new words to add to my vocabulary,and/or,3)Somebody actually wants to read the stuff I write.And none of the three points were triggered for a long time, so no blogging.I know I write really uncanny stuffs that hardly can be left from being tagged Balderdash.But I love everything I write and I love everyone who love what I love 'cuz their love is same as my love and trichotomy propounded thousand years ago that if A=B and B=C,then A=C.I know it sounds like Zeroth law of thermodynamics,but I love Mathematics more than Thermodynamics and so I took the number example.And so when somebody talks about my blog which isn't actually a blog,he/she satisfies the 3rd criteria of Piyush's Algortihm and I start blogging again.By the way the Nice-legged mommie has an amazing brogue.The first time I spoke to her she sounded like a guy.And she infact is more of a guy,just that she has got features that biologically complicates her being biological me.Excuse my french!She loves bands I love.Just that she likes Linkin Park,which I really hate like shit.Sorry Mommie:)

Anyway Now that I have started Blogging again(Thanks to KA Mommie) I just hope that I hold on to my onus carefully.Catchyouall later.Muaahh Mommie.The Nice-legged One.

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